Here are some choice quotes from Magic's soon to be released tell-all "When the Game Was Ours" and some choice comebacks from Isiah Thomas.
One thing I can say about this is...Magic sucks! Larry Bird forever!
Magic on Thomas not making the Dream Team
"Isiah killed his own chances when it came to the Olympics. Nobody on that team wanted to play with him. ... Michael didn't want to play with him. Scottie [Pippen] wanted no part of him. Bird wasn't pushing for him. Karl Malone didn't want him. Who was saying, 'We need this guy?' Nobody.''
(But wait! Wasn't Magic supposed to be Isiah's best friend? Why didn't he stand up for Isiah? Why did Magic let the world think Jordan was the one who kept Isiah off the team?)
Isiah on Magic saying Thomas questioned his sexuality when he came out with HIV.
"What most people don't know is, before Magic had HIV, my brother had HIV. My brother died of HIV, AIDS, drug abuse. So I knew way more about the disease, because I was living with it in my house.''
Isiah on Magic finally admitting he kept Thomas off the Dream Team.
"I'm glad that he's finally had the nerve and the courage to stand up and say it was him, as opposed to letting Michael Jordan take the blame for it all these years. I wish he would have had the courage to say this stuff to me face to face, as opposed to writing it in some damn book to sell and he can make money off it.''
Thomas on Magic's 1992 All Star Game
"They weren't going to let Magic play in the All-Star Game; all the players were coming out [against him]. You know how that all got turned around? I had a meeting with all of the players -- because I was president of the players' association -- and I told them not only was he going to play, but we were going to shake his hand and give him a hug. And I was the first to shake his hand and hug him and give him a kiss, to let people know that's not how the virus is spread. And you can go back and check at the players' association. Call Charlie Grantham [the former union executive director and COO] and ask him how Magic got to play in the All-Star Game. Ask him who called the meeting.
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