Thursday, July 3, 2014

The Business of Disrespect: The Melo-JLin Number Situation

The Houston Rockets had the opportunity to make a pitch to Carmelo Anthony, one of the most sought-after free agents this year. So naturally, they wanted Melo to visualize how he'd look like in a Rockets #7 uniform.

Problem is, Jeremy Lin already wears that number. And Lin, from his tweet, didn't know the Rockets were going to use his number to entice Melo.

Now technically, there is nothing wrong with what the Rockets have done. It is practically the SOP for all recruiting teams, including college teams, to make their pitches to players with pictures on the player in their uniforms.

The real problem here is that the Rockets are burning bridges with Jeremy Lin unnecessarily by disrespecting him in the name of business. They've gone on record to say they want to trade him and that they will trade him if and when Carmelo Anthony signs with them. That is going to leave a very bad and bitter taste in Lin's mouth, regardless of whether the Rockets sign Melo or not.

The better situation for everyone is for Melo to sign with the Rockets, Lin gets traded, hurt feelings can be translated into grudge games where Lin will try to prove the Rockets made a mistake with him.

If Melo doesn't sign and the Rockets don't trade Lin, that is going to be reaaaaaallllly awkward. It's going to be like hanging out with the girlfriend of one of your firends who knows everyone in the group hates her.

The sad thing is, there was a way to do this with minimal emotional damage: just call up Lin and let him know that they'd be using his number to recruit Melo, just so he'd be on board with the move.

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