Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Smokin' Joe Frazier Dies.

If Muhammad Ali is known as "The Greatest", shouldn't the man who took him to the brink also be known as such?

I certainly think so. And that is why I will now refer to Smokin Joe Fraizer as "The Greatest 2".

Frazier succumbed to liver cancer yesterday, leaving the world another boxing champion short.

Joe Frazier was the perfect foil for Ali. Hulking and menacing, Ali all but obliterated Frazier when it came to the media. But the boxing ring was a different matter as Frazier's boxing prowess was just as great as Ali's.

They had 3 iconic fights, the first with Frazier dealing Ali his first defeat, the second, Ali returning the favor.

The third, called the "Thrilla In Manila" was the boxing match the rocked the world. It was like the ending match of Rocky 4, except it was real.

Frazier is known as a fierce competitor but also a gallant man. He will be missed.

More on this story here.

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